Thursday, February 5, 2015

First Official Blog!

Well Hello World!!!

Welcome to the making of my first blog! I'm excited to finally have figured this whole thing out! Let's hope that you all like what I have to say and that we can have some fun with this! Because that's what it's all about right! Having fun and finding your true path in life! Finding what makes you the most happy and the most content is not the easiest thing at times when others are telling you that have to be rich and you have to follow everything that they did or did not do in their lives! For me it has been extremely difficult to find my path and I am still in what some would say are difficult times, so we are on this journey together! In fact I am currently living in a tiny little room with nothing except for a bathroom, a small window, a few mats to sleep on, a teeny little TV, and my husband and our cat! But we have each other and we have our computers and clothes and are doing pretty great, well most of the time lol! We do have to deal with whatever his mom makes us for our meals and I have gotten used to the loud banging from constant construction, always travel with ear plugs haha! But I have learned that it is in these times that you find yourself, and what you are really made of. It is the journey, not the destination! And I know now what that actually means. Finding the good thought instead of the bad one when the bad ones are so fast and furious all the time. What good does that do though? It only keeps me struggling and stagnating in a place I don't want to be instead of aligning and attracting all the things that I do want! So this is my journey and I hope you will take it with me! And see what changing your thoughts can bring when you take yourself from a tiny little room in the middle of Northern Tunisia to who knows!! The sky is the limit and I am setting no limits for myself! I hope you won't either and we can have a lot of fun setting goals and thinking good thoughts and having good feelings of what our amazing dreams will be made of! I would love it if you would share with me what your feeling today and how you would like to feel or what your true dreams are and how we can come together and create, feel good and manifest our dreams!!!

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